A Guide – Models and Types of eBike

It is an eBike with a motor to assist the rider’s progress. Even though it is just like a regular bike, a regular bike does not have a motor. 

It is a hybrid means of transport since parts of the power come from the motor and part of it from the rider. The current legal speed limit for the electric assistant is around 15.5mph. However, once you pedal past the legal speed limit, the motor will no longer assist you. 

EBikes are also known as pedelecs. This is because you will pedal them to activate the motor. Most of the eBikes on the market these days are pedelecs. Therefore, they are not the same as motorbikes or mopeds since you will have to pedal them to activate the motor. In addition, the motors of eBikes are not as powerful as the motors of mopeds. 

Why Choose an EBike?

EBikes can do anything regular bikes can do. However, they can even do more than regular bikes. Therefore, you can use your eBike for your daily commuting, leisure riding, touring, and your daily chores. You will have more fun riding your eBike in the process. People, who are skeptical about eBikes, usually fall in love with eBikes once they ride them. You will enjoy riding your eBike.

According to European law, it is now legal to ride eBikes in most parts of Europe, including the UK since European law also applies in the UK. Therefore, you can ride your eBike without worrying about breaking the law. It is always beneficial to ride non-powered bikes. You can still get the same benefits while riding your eBike.

There are several benefits of the motor. It is easy to get up steep roads with an eBike. You will not even sweat riding your eBike uphill. And you will enjoy other benefits of the motor.

If you have an injury or if you are sick, you can still ride your Kugoo Kirin B1. or the wonderful HiMo Z20 ebike Therefore, you will never have to stop riding your bike completely.

Instead of driving your car or taking a train for some journeys, you can ride your eBikes for these journeys. Riding an eBike can save you a lot of time.

It is fast to get to and from your workplace using an eBike. You will have more fun commuting with your eBike.

Instead of buying a second car, you can purchase an eBike because of the financial, environmental, and other benefits of eBikes.

It is much safer to ride an eBike. such as the Accolmile Urban ebike, on the road than to ride a non-powered bike since the motor allows you to accelerate your eBike up the hills. It is also quick to accelerate, so it makes it easier to clear stationary traffic quickly. You will never have to worry about your safety on the road.

You can use a regular bike to carry heavy loads. However, you can do more things with an eBike. You can use your eBike for school runs and several shopping trips.

You will still do some exercise riding your eBike. Several studies have proven that riders can still get beneficial aerobic exercises by riding eBikes. There are power level settings on the handlebar of most eBikes. You can use them to dial it down to get more exercise. You can turn it up for more assistance. There are also displays in some eBikes. You can use Bluetooth to link them to your heart rate monitor. It will display the calories you have burned and your heart rate.

It is fun to ride an eBike!

There are several disadvantages of eBikes. One of the obvious disadvantages is the extra weight. In 2018, the lightest eBike was around 20 kgs – this is included the battery.

Modern motors are the most reliable. However, you need to consider the battery as consumable, especially if you want to use your eBike for several years. The battery of an eBike degrades over time. It degrades faster with heavy use, so you will have to spend a few hundred pounds to replace your battery regularly. It cost most to purchase a good quality eBike. You do not have to worry about the cost of purchasing the eBike if you are planning to use your eBike to its maximum potential. 

How Has Electronic Bike Technology Improved in the Last Few Years?

In the past, batteries were the Achilles heel of eBikes. However, they are now ‘fit and forget’ in most good quality eBikes. However, you need to maintain your machine properly to extend the lifespan of both the battery and your machine. You will still need to replace the battery after some time. Fortunately, a good motor is more likely to outlast you. 

There has been stiff competition between the top motor manufacturers, such as Yamaha, Shimano, Brose, and Bosch, over the past few years. The legal motor power limit for motors on eBikes is around 250 watts. Therefore, the powers of motors these days reach this limit. That is why it is easy to climb a hill and accelerate an eBike. 

You will get % settings on your motor, which you will see on the spec of your bike. Using the low setting adds up to 40% of the rider’s effort and the top settings of the powerful motors can triple the power input of the rider at the pedals. 

However, when it comes to horsepower, do not think the motors of today’s eBikes come close to the motors on the modest mopeds. A torque sensor delivers power smoothly and seamlessly on good quality eBikes. Modern eBikes are popular because they can accelerate quickly up to 15.5 mph, which is the legal assistant limit. 

What are the Different Types of EBikes?

Like regular bikes, there are several types of eBikes. Here are some of the types of eBikes: 

Electric Road Bikes

If you want to ride on the road and you want some help to accelerate or climb up hills, you can choose one of the drop-bar eBikes on the market from popular brands. 

Most batteries and motors are not obtrusive, so it may not seem like you are riding an eBike. 

The lightest road eBikes are around 11 kgs, so you may not add a lot of weight. 

However, most road riders usually achieve speeds of around 15 mph on a flat road, so it can feel like you are carrying dead weight since the motor will cut out at the top assisted speed. 

It can help conserve your battery. You can carefully use your eBike to get more out of it than the quoted range of 75 km. Therefore, you can use your eBike for longer excursions. 

If you want to ride your eBike on various terrain, you can choose one of the gravel eBikes on the market. These eBikes have wide tires with more grip to tackle the rough terrain. 

Commuter/Hybrids EBikes

They are more popular because you can use them for various purposes, such as daily chores, leisure rides, and commuting. 

Gazelle makes the best ‘sit up and beg’ eBikes. Gazelle is one of the most popular manufacturers of good quality bikes in Holland. You will get the best features on the PUUR NL+, including hub brakes, fully enclosed chain, low step-thru height, and front and rear racks for carrying things. You will get a good quality electric ride with no special extras or clothing. 

Kalkhoff uses its motor to make the most stylish commuting eBikes. The Integrale model is a modern sports commuting eBike. Its crank motor blends into the frame lines of the bike and it has a frame integrated battery. And it has a big capacity battery on the market. 

There are several commuting electrical bikes on the market and the quality of these eBikes are different and there are different versions of commuting electrical bikes. 

Off-Road Electronic Bikes 

It is easy to ride mountain bikes up hills. 

You can ride an e-MTB to get to the top of a hill quickly. It is perfect for steep hills and you will still have more energy to descend the hill. Plus, it is easy to get up the ups, so you will have more extra range for more exploration. 

The recent improvements in the performance of an e-MTB mean it is now fun to handle this bike since its handling is almost the same as the handling of unpowered mountain bikes. 

However, it can get difficult to handle this mountain bike because of the extra weight. Therefore, you need to ease off until you are comfortable with the bike.

Electric Cargo Bikes

They are more like the minivans of the eBike world. 

They are not sporty or sexy. However, they are very useful. 

The purpose of electric cargo bikes is to haul as much load as possible. They use various methods to carry the load. 

There are covered pods or front buckets on most front loaders. That is why they can carry more load. However, the bike can get heavy at slow speeds because of the heavy load. 

Some of these bikes use a frame to retain the same size as standard bikes. Therefore, the frame stretches in the rear providing cargo or foot platform on each side of the bike’s rear wheel. The bike offers various cargo accessories, including child carriers, bags, and racks. 

Electric Folding Bikes

They are portable. That is why they are very popular. The folding is on the handlebars and in the middle of many electric folding bikes. The bike collapses into a package. The package is not bigger than a suitcase. Therefore, it is easy to carry it. 

An electric folding bike is perfect for you if you are planning to carry your bike onto a train or bus or carry it in the trunk of your car. 

However, electric folding bikes are heavier than other eBikes and you might never get high-quality parts of electric folding bikes. Manufacturers usually make compromises when designing these bikes to avoid the prices from getting too high. Therefore, electric folding bikes are not made from good quality materials. 


They can go up to 28 mph/ 45kmh assisted speeds. However, they are not legal eBikes since they are mopeds. 

What to Consider when Choosing an eBike?

There are so many advantages of eBikes. However, here are some of the things you need to consider before you buy an eBike: 


EBikes are very heavy because of the battery and motor. An eBike weighing under 20 kg is lightweight. Hybrids usually weigh over 25 kg, which is double the standard bike’s average weight. David Alexander encourages you to consider the maneuvering you will do to help you decide what will safely manage. “Is there an available space in your home or office to keep your bike or will you put your bike on a bike rack on a train or in a motor home?”


EBikes use a lithium-ion battery. The batter degrades over time. This varies because it depends on how often you use and recharge your battery. It is expensive to replace a battery. 

However, if you use your eBike to avoid using public transport and driving, it can work in your favor in the long term. You can purchase an extra battery. You can interchange the batteries to extend the lifespan of your batteries. A fully charged battery lasts for around eight hours. 


EBikes provide different battery ranges. This depends on the level of assistance and the terrain you will ride your bike. 

If you ride your eBike over a steep terrain on full power, it can provide a range of around 20 miles. If you ride the same eBike on smooth, flat terrain with low power, it can provide a range of around 100 miles. 

Many eBikes provide a range of around 60 to 100 miles. One charge can take a week of an average commute. However, long-distance road riders or mountain bikers will only use one charge for one ride.


The prices of eBikes are not the same. Some eBikes cost just e700 and others cost more than e4000.


All of these factors should help make it easier to purchase an ebike and shed some light as to what you need.